Wellbeing Champion Training

Wellbeing should be a shared value across the organisation and not owned by one person or team.

This training empowers organisations to create or upskill a team of employees to work alongside the wellbeing leader in the development, delivery and improvement of wellbeing within their workplace. Our goal is to enable you to embed a culture of health across the organisation.
Wellbeing Champion online training course

‘Peers can have a powerful influence on health behaviors and outcomes. The social support provided by individuals has the potential to improve the health and wellness of peers within their social networks.’

Borah et al, 2015

Who is this course for?

  • This training is for a team of employees who are not necessarily experts in the field of health and wellness, but have a passion for it, personally and professionally, and are intrinsically motivated to promote wellbeing among their colleagues.

On completion of this course, the participant will:

  • …appreciate what workplace wellbeing is (and is not)

  • …have a vision for wellbeing at their workplace

  • …have helped define the role of a wellbeing champion at their organisation

  • …be equipped to lead by example when it comes to physical, mental and social wellbeing

  • …understand the connection between self-care, colleague care and client care

  • …be enabled to support the wellbeing leader and their colleagues with wellbeing initiatives

  • …have built a bond with their fellow wellbeing champions

How do I bring together a wellbeing champion team?

‘Wellbeing champions appear at every level of a company and often are intrinsically motivated to take on the role of being a champion.’

Spoonheim and Pronk (2016)

You can nudge people to take part but ultimately the champions should volunteer for the role. Ideally, we want as many different voices and opinions represented on the wellbeing champion team as possible. Some considerations for this would be:

  • Different locations (if applicable)
  • Different departments
  • Different role types i.e. office based, factory floor, sales reps. field technicians etc. 
  • Part time and full time employees, shift workers
  • Gender balance
  • Parents and non-parents
  • Age ranges
  • Seniority levels

Our wellbeing champion team should be inclusive, collaborative and empowered.


Brian Crooke

Brian is a wellbeing educator, speaker and adviser supporting organisations to promote and sustain wellbeing within their workplaces. He is the founder of the Workplace Wellbeing Ireland community and is the Course Director of the Postgraduate Certificate in Workplace Wellness at Tangent, Trinity College Dublin. He is also the host of The Work Well Podcast. In his spare time Brian is bringing free resistance training to every county and community in Ireland through his parkHIIT project.


Gwen Harris

North Dublin MABS Manager

‘Staff wellbeing and wellness is paramount, particularly in the current climate of Covid, uncertainties and lockdowns. The Wellbeing Champion programme helped us form a dedicated and passionate team of Wellbeing Champions and provided valuable information and guidance on measuring wellbeing in employee programmes. We are very excited for the road ahead and would highly recommend this programme.’

Onsite Course Logistics

  • 4 x 3-hour onsite workshops (Dublin). Email for other location options

  • Recommended delivery over 2 days; 2 workshops per day (9AM-12PM, 1PM-4PM)

  • Price: €6,995 to include all workshops and materials

  • Optional: Additional “Sustainable Workplace Wellbeing” workshop for senior leadership team. Price: €7,995 which includes all of the above

Online Course Logistics

  • 4 x 3 hour live online zoom webinars.

  • Max 15 attendees (8-12 is optimum for interaction).

  • Price: €5,995 to include all workshops and materials.

  • Optional: Additional “Sustainable Workplace Wellbeing?” workshop for senior leadership team. Price: €6,995 which includes all of the above.

Online Pre-Requisites

  • Attendees will need an up to date computer and a good quality internet connection.

  • Zoom access (make sure this is not blocked by a company firewall)

  • A 'can do' attitude 😊

‘Wellbeing champions have a vested interest in achieving personal health and well-being as well as encouraging their colleagues to be healthier and well.’

Amaya et al, 2017